The Secret Service has a Twitter page

Custard Jesus
1 min readJun 11, 2020

It’s the year most don’t speak about. It’s 2020. The Illuminati is dead. Trump and the Internet killed it. The Coronavirus pandemic crippled every nation’s economy. The US found the time to address their racial injustices while people halfway across the world died of Ebola.

The United States Secret Service has a Twitter page.

Many said it was the Apocalypse. They said the Mayans and Aztecs foresaw it and the translation got mixed up when people thought 2012 was the end of the world. Memes became a staple in every being’s diet.

Australia went through states of emergencies. Prince Harry stopped being a royal and the world realized they can do that. Ken Shimura, Andrew Jack, Kobe Bryant, Sergio Rossi, everyone is dead. The only old person who lives is Queen Elizabeth II and she’s immortal. No one questions it. It’s the one unchanging constant that people in this era need in their lives. Iran launched missiles on Iraq. China invaded India and planned to send a duck army to Pakistan. Ukrainian planes crashed in Iran. The UK finally left the EU. Trump was impeached yet he’s somehow in the White House and no one cares. Instead martial law was declared. Again, no one cared. Protests, riots and deaths just kept going. It was the 1950s mafia century again, except the mafia was us. The victims was us. And the only winners weren’t even humans, they were virus.

Originally published at on June 11, 2020.

