Short story: A night of Tiana

Custard Jesus
2 min readJul 12, 2020


Tiana had a job tonight. She had already arranged the money with the young client; now all that was left was the deed to be done. She picked a time and asked him to be there. It was late and he was nowhere to be found. She felt as though someone was playing a sick prank on her. Her time was wasted. She pulled out her phone, about to make one last call before heading home.
“Hello?” she spoke into the phone with a soft voice.
“I’m already here, where are yousf?” a husky voice answered. There was a slur on that last word. Tiana instantly was hit with memories of her childhood at the trailer park with her alcoholic dad.

“Are you sure you’re on 221B Baker Street?” she cautiously asked.
The boy sheepishly replied, “No, I’m on 224B? I’m sorry, I’ll be there within ten minutes.”


She hung up aggressively. Newbies are the worst. She decided to stand outside and have a smoke as she waited for him. Finally, he appeared turning the street. He was a young boy, 20-something. Clearly looked like he had never been in such a deal before. She led him up the hall and into the elevator. He seemed slightly out of this world.

At that very moment, a second man stepped into the elevator. He was big, he was dark and he was scary. He stayed with the couple until the elevator reached its destination. Tiana and the young boy stepped out. They walked down to their room. The big man seemed to follow them. Tiana picked up the pace. The young man didn’t seem alerted at all. They finally reached their room and in the dim lighting, Tiana frantically tried to get the door open. Once they were inside, she switched on the lights and looked at the boy straight in his eyes. She had had enough.

“Are you expecting someone?” she asked.
“No. Are YOU expecting someone?” the boy replied.
“No. Let’s just do this.”

Tiana sat sexily on the bed. The young boy started to undress.


The city’s electricity had gone out. The entire grid was down. Cars could be heard honking on the street as the citizens expressed their frustration. Tiana was startled. This had never happened to her before. What was the protocol in a situation such as this? She looked at the shadowed figure of the young boy and said, “okay let’s just get what you came for taken care of” and she started to do her thing. Just when she was about to finish,


The power was back on. The air conditioning unit in the motel room hummed back to life. Tiana was bewildered. This was the craziest shit ever to happen. It was as if the universe had jokes today. She laughed aloud and hurried out of that room and back to the safety of the darkness of the city. Today was weird. Today was crazy.

Originally published at on July 12, 2020.



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